CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE T_DATE AS TABLE OF date; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GET_DAYS_OF_MONTH (p_year number, p_month number) RETURN t_date pipelined AS v_date_last date; v_date date; BEGIN v_date := to_date(p_year||lpad(p_month, 2, 0)||'01', 'yyyymmdd'); v_date_last := last_day(v_date); while v_date <= v_date_last loop -- v_date := v_date + 1; pipe row(v_date); v_date := v_date + to_dsinterval('1 00:00:00'); end loop; return; END GET_DAYS_OF_MONTH;
FUNCTION get_emp_per_dep ( p_departement_name in varchar2) RETURN emp_list pipelined is t_emp_list emp_list := emp_list(); c boolean := false; e_no_emp_found exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT (e_no_emp_found, -20001); BEGIN for emp in (select first_name||' '||last_name name from employees e, departments d where e.department_id = d.department_id and department_name = p_departement_name) loop c := true; -- t_emp_list.extend; -- t_emp_list(t_emp_list.last) :=; pipe row(; end loop; if c = false then raise_application_error(-20001, 'NO emp found in dep ' || p_departement_name); end if; return; END;