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<html> <script src=“”></script>

<div id='liclass'> </div>

<?php require('db.php'); $dbh = get_db(); $person_list =

$dbh->query('select fullname, birthdate, country_code from person')

echo format_html_table($person_list, 'persontable'); ?> /* <!– uebergabe der Daten mittels einer “umwandlung” von php in JavaScript auf diese art eher unueblich –> <script> var person_list = <?php echo json_encode($person_list); ?>; $(document).ready(function() { $.each( person_list, function( key, person ) { $('#liclass').append(“<li>”+ person['fullname'] +“</li” ); }); } ); </script> */ direkte Formatierung der Daten mit php in html <div id=“person_list”> <?php foreach ($person_list as $person) {

printf ("<li> %s, %s, %s </li>\n", 


?> </div> <html>

php_jquery_ajax.1463995517.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/23 11:25 by mh