PACKAGE PCK_SALARY IS -- -- To modify this template, edit file PKGSPEC.TXT in TEMPLATE -- directory of SQL Navigator -- -- Purpose: Briefly explain the functionality of the package -- -- MODIFICATION HISTORY -- Person Date Comments -- --------- ------ ------------------------------------------ -- Enter package declarations as shown below tax_percent number; euro2dollar number; called_init boolean := false; PROCEDURE init; PROCEDURE calc_tax; PROCEDURE calc_tax(v_employee_id IN number); FUNCTION tax ( salary IN number) RETURN number; END; -- Package spec
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY PCK_SALARY IS -- -- To modify this template, edit file PKGBODY.TXT in TEMPLATE -- directory of SQL Navigator -- -- Purpose: Briefly explain the functionality of the package body -- -- MODIFICATION HISTORY -- Person Date Comments -- --------- ------ ------------------------------------------ -- Enter procedure, function bodies as shown below PROCEDURE init IS BEGIN select isnumeric(par_value) into tax_percent from parameter where par_key='tax_percent'; called_init := true; END; PROCEDURE calc_tax(v_employee_id IN number) is BEGIN update emp_bonus set tax = tax(salary) where emp_id = v_employee_id; end; PROCEDURE calc_tax IS cursor cur_emp_bonus is select * from emp_bonus for update of tax; rec_emp_bonus emp_bonus%rowtype; BEGIN for rec_emp_bonus in cur_emp_bonus loop calc_tax(rec_emp_bonus.emp_id); end loop; -- dbms_output.put_line(isnumeric(tax_percent)); END; FUNCTION tax ( salary IN number) RETURN number is begin if called_init=false then init; end if; return salary*isnumeric(tax_percent); end; -- Enter further code below as specified in the Package spec. END; /