PROCEDURE teilnehmer_index_by_varchar is type teilnehmer_type IS RECORD (name varchar2(25), geschlecht varchar2(25)); TYPE teilnehmer_table_type IS TABLE OF varchar2(25) INDEX BY varchar2(25); tn teilnehmer_table_type; v_i varchar2(25); BEGIN tn('Mark') := 'M'; tn('Karin') := 'W'; tn('Albert') := 'M'; tn('Gökhan') := 'M'; tn('Natalya') := 'W'; v_i := tn.first; while v_i is not null loop dbms_output.put_line(v_i||' '||tn(v_i)); v_i :=; end loop; END; -- Procedure PROCEDURE SALARY_DIFF_VC IS cursor bonus_salary is SELECT * FROM bonus order by salary desc; TYPE bonus_table_type IS TABLE OF bonus%rowtype INDEX BY varchar2(100); bonus_table bonus_table_type; bonus_salary_rec bonus%rowtype; v_index varchar2(100); BEGIN open bonus_salary; loop fetch bonus_salary into bonus_salary_rec; exit when bonus_salary%notfound; bonus_table(bonus_salary_rec.first_name||' '||bonus_salary_rec.last_name) := bonus_salary_rec; end loop; close bonus_salary; v_index := bonus_table.first; for j in 1..bonus_table.count loop dbms_output.put_line(j||' '|| bonus_table(v_index).first_name ||' '|| bonus_table(v_index).last_name ||' '|| bonus_table(v_index).salary); v_index :=; end loop; END; -- Procedure CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE DEMO_HASH AS type person_record is record ( r_name varchar2(100), r_height integer); type simple_person_table_type is table of person_record index by binary_integer; type person_table_type is table of persons%rowtype index by varchar2(20); type person_table_i_type is table of persons%rowtype index by binary_integer; cursor c_persons is (select * from persons); tn simple_person_table_type; v_per person_table_type; v_i_per person_table_i_type; v_i binary_integer; v_vc varchar2(100); BEGIN tn(10).r_name := 'Mark'; tn(10).r_height := 175; tn(2000).r_name := 'Michael'; tn(2000).r_height := 183; v_i := tn.first; while v_i is not null loop dbms_output.put_line(v_i || ' ' ||tn(v_i).r_name); v_i :=; end loop; v_per('Michael').per_name := 'Michael'; v_per('Michael').per_birthday := to_date('1981-04-25', 'yyyy-mm-dd'); for r in (select * from persons) loop v_per(r.per_name) := r; end loop; open c_persons; fetch c_persons bulk collect into v_i_per; close c_persons; dbms_output.put_line('bulk collect result'); for i in 1 .. v_i_per.last loop dbms_output.put_line(v_i_per(i).per_name||' '|| v_i_per(i).per_birthday ); end loop; dbms_output.put_line('***'); v_vc := v_per.first; while v_vc is not null loop dbms_output.put_line(v_vc || ' ' ||v_per(v_vc).per_name||' '|| v_per(v_vc).per_birthday ); if v_per(v_vc).per_education is not null then dbms_output.put_line( v_per(v_vc).per_education(v_per(v_vc).per_education.last) ); end if; v_vc :=; end loop; END DEMO_HASH;