SQL> connect sys/***@*** as sysdba Connect durchgef³hrt. SQL> grant execute on dbms_lock to hr; create table emp_bonus as ( select employee_id, first_name, last_name, salary, 0 bonus from employees) CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE UPDATE_BONUS AS /* + cursor c_emp_bonus der alle felder der Tabelle selektiert + for schleife über den cursor + im fehlerfall ora-00054 (muss man mit einem namen versehen (e_row_lock) => eine sekunde warten (dbms_lock(1) ), dann erneut versuchen zusatzaufgabe: + dass sollte man natuerlich nicht unendlich oft machen sondern maximal 10mal */ e_row_lock exception; pragma exception_init (e_row_lock, -00054); cursor c_emp_bonus is select employee_id, first_name, last_name, salary, bonus from emp_bonus for update of bonus nowait; v_bonus number; v_done boolean := false; i number := 0; BEGIN while (v_done = false and i <= 10) loop i := i + 1; begin for r_emp in c_emp_bonus loop if r_emp.salary > 10000 then v_bonus := 0; else v_bonus := r_emp.salary * 0.1; end if; update emp_bonus set bonus = v_bonus where current of c_emp_bonus; end loop; v_done := true; exception when e_row_lock then dbms_output.put_line('lock found, retrying ' || i); dbms_lock.sleep(1); end; end loop; END UPDATE_BONUS;