====== Zeige das Departement mit den meisten Angestellten pro Land ===== with gpl as ( SELECT DEPARTMENTS.DEPARTMENT_NAME, COUNTRIES.COUNTRY_NAME, (count(EMPLOYEES.EMPLOYEE_ID)) c FROM DEPARTMENTS , LOCATIONS , COUNTRIES , EMPLOYEES WHERE ( (LOCATIONS.LOCATION_ID = DEPARTMENTS.LOCATION_ID) AND (COUNTRIES.COUNTRY_ID = LOCATIONS.COUNTRY_ID) AND (DEPARTMENTS.DEPARTMENT_ID = EMPLOYEES.DEPARTMENT_ID) ) group by DEPARTMENTS.DEPARTMENT_NAME, COUNTRIES.COUNTRY_NAME ) select department_name dn, country_name, c from gpl where (country_name, c) in (select country_name, max(c) from gpl where gpl.country_name = country_name group by country_name) select d.department_name, l.city, count(e.employee_id) as Anzahl, c.country_name from departments d, employees e, LOCATIONS l, countries c where d.DEPARTMENT_ID = e.DEPARTMENT_ID and l.LOCATION_ID = d.LOCATION_ID and c.country_id = l.country_id group by d.department_name, l.city, c.country_name, e.department_id, c.country_id,d.department_id, l.location_id having count(e.employee_id) = ( select max(count(e1.employee_id)) from employees e1, departments d1, countries c1, locations l1 where c1.country_id = c.country_id and e1.department_id = d1.department_id and d1.location_id = l1.location_id and l1.country_id = c1.country_id group by e1.department_id, c1.country_id )